What conditions should cause an emergency stop for an air compressor
Oct 15 , 2024
When operating an air compressor, emergency stop is an important safety protection measure, which is used to quickly stop the operation of the machine in an emergency to prevent the occurrence or expansion of accidents. Here are some situations that require an emergency stop:

1.Abnormal noise: If the air compressor makes abnormal sounds, such as metal collision sound or other abnormal noises, this may indicate that the internal parts are damaged or loose, and an emergency stop should be made immediately.

2.Overheating: If the air compressor runs at a high temperature for a long time or is overloaded, resulting in overheating of the machine, or even smoke and fire, the emergency stop button should be pressed immediately.

3.Abnormal pressure: If the exhaust pressure suddenly exceeds the specified value, if there are serious impact sounds from the pipeline, air storage tank, and cylinder, immediate emergency stop should be performed.

4.Motor current exceeds the standard: If the motor current exceeds the rated value, it should be stopped immediately for inspection.

5.Lubricating oil pressure drops: When the lubricating oil pressure drops or the supply is suddenly stopped, an emergency stop should be made immediately.

6.Gas leakage: There is a serious leakage during the gas delivery of the air compressor, and it should be stopped immediately.

7.Motor vibration or peculiar smell: When the motor has strong vibration or burning odor, it should be stopped immediately.

8.Abnormal environment: When the weather is suddenly abnormal, such as water entering the air compressor station, or an emergency occurs around, an emergency stop should be made immediately.

9.Equipment failure: In the process of air compressor maintenance, if the machine is found to make abnormal sounds or other obvious signs of failure, it is necessary to stop immediately.

10.Safety protection device operation: If the safety protection device of the air compressor (such as temperature, pressure, etc.) operates, causing the machine to fail to operate normally, it should be immediately stopped in an emergency and checked.

After an emergency shutdown, all remaining gas in the system should be exhausted, the pressure should be reset to zero, and the cause of the shutdown should be checked. If it is safe to do so, the system can be reset according to the operating procedures. If the emergency stop button is pressed, it is necessary to turn the emergency switch clockwise to see if it pops out. If it cannot pop out, it may be necessary to replace the emergency stop switch.

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