The basic structure of the air compressor cylinder
Aug 24 , 2024

The basic structural formation of the air compressor cylinder is the key to ensure its effective operation. According to professional literature and information, the cylinder assembly mainly includes the following parts:

1.Cylinder block: As the frame of the air compressor, it supports the moving parts of the crank-connecting rod mechanism, forms cooling water channels, oil channels, and air channels, and installs accessories such as the valve train and oil supply system. The cylinder block needs to have sufficient rigidity and strength to ensure minimal deformation during operation and reduce vibration and noise. In addition, the cylinder block must also have good cooling performance and sufficient wear resistance to maintain the sealing of the compression chamber.

2.Cylinder liner: Cylinder liner is installed in the cylinder body, plays a guiding role, forms a working space with the piston, and prolongs the service life of the cylinder body. Cylinder liner works under high temperature and high pressure, and has high relative motion speed and poor lubrication conditions, so it is easy to wear. Cylinder liner is generally made of high-quality gray cast iron or alloy steel, and is divided into dry type (not in contact with cooling water) and wet type (in contact with cooling water).

3.Cylinder head: It closes the top of the cylinder, forms the compression chamber, and installs valves, valve springs and other components. The cylinder head is also equipped with intake and exhaust passages, cooling water jackets, lubricating oil passages, etc. The material of the cylinder head requires high thermal strength and good casting performance. Cast iron and aluminum alloy are commonly used.

4.Cylinder gasket: installed between the cylinder head and the cylinder body, mainly plays a sealing role, working under high pressure, high temperature and oil, water and gas corrosion conditions. Cylinder gasket needs to have good strength, elasticity and corrosion resistance.

5.Piston: reciprocates in the cylinder, converting electrical energy into pressure energy of compressed air.

6.Piston ring: installed on the piston, it plays the role of sealing and scraping oil to ensure the sealing of the gas in the cylinder.

7.Connecting rod: connects the piston and crankshaft, converting the reciprocating motion of the piston into the rotational motion of the crankshaft.

8.Crankshaft: Converts the reciprocating motion of the piston into rotational motion to transmit power.

These components together constitute the basic structure of the air compressor cylinder, ensuring the stable operation and compression efficiency of the air compressor. During the design and manufacturing process, the strength, rigidity, wear resistance and thermal conductivity of the cylinder need to be considered to meet specific working conditions and performance requirements.

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